Giving – You can change the future today!

Every dollar will set the dinner table for six people.

Donate Groceries

1 1⁄2 pound of groceries is the average per meal size according to
the USDA. If you are interested in organizing a Food Drive; Contact
Agape Distribution at 937-498-4368. We can guide your on best
foods, food safety and even supply barrels to make this easy.

Donate Produce

If your garden produces too much; bring the cleaned excess to
Agape Distribution. Our shoppers LOVE produce, you don’t throw
anything away and the nutrition is wonderful. We would love to
receive the fruits of your labor.

Donate Money – Host a Fund Drive

The majority of our groceries are donated. As such, it costs us $0.10
per pound to give groceries to area families. Return On Investment
– every dollar will set the dinner table for six people.

Hosting a Fund Drive helps Set the Dinner Table for neighbors
throughout our region. Your effort and help brings hope to
struggling families 38% of which are employed. Every dollar
makes a big difference to hungry people.

Become a Supporter

Regular supporters enable Agape Distribution to budget for
groceries, like your household, we have to balance. Your donation
goes directly for the acquisition of groceries, no administrative
discounts. Families are helped daily through planned support.